It looks like besides needed a course in Muslim names and spelling, the FBI could use help translating. Tom Ridge says we don't need a person with budget authority to oversee the intelligence departments?

FBI Not Translating All Terrorism Material -Audit

2 hours, 31 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Deborah Charles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI (news - web sites) does not have enough translators to handle a growing backlog of documents and intercepts in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Pashto, a federal audit said on Monday, confirming criticism by U.S. elected officials and experts.

An unclassified summary of a July 2004 report by the U.S. Justice Department (news - web sites)'s inspector general said while the FBI has increased the number of translators of languages used in the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan (news - web sites), it still cannot keep up with the backlog of material flowing into the system.

"After all, we are not communists"

Christopher Moltisanti: You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

Tony Soprano: Yeah well, when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.