Democrats Preparing to Steal IOWA ???

Sept. 28, 2004

More evidence the Democrats are planning an Election Day surprise for George Bush.

NewsMax's recent "Insider Report" revealed that the Democrats and their 527 groups, as well as the major unions, were launching an unprecedented $300 million "get out the vote" effort to defeat President Bush.

Republican strategists have warned that the Democratic efforts may be laying the groundwork for massive vote fraud on Election Day.

Insider Report also detailed that Democrats have been out-registering Republican voters by a factor of 5 to 1 in Ohio and Florida.

But now there is word from Iowa that the Democrats are preparing to snag that state through "voter efforts."

The Des Moines Register details that as of last week 199,592 absentee ballots have been requested – with most of those coming from Iowa's 20 largest counties.

As the New York Times put it, "Under Iowa law, anyone can request an absentee ballot, no questions asked. ..."

And who is asking for these ballots?

The paper said that a study of the state's 20 largest counties found that "roughly three times as many Democrats as Republicans" have requested ballots.

The Democratic operation in the state has not gone unnoticed by Republicans.

Republican Congressman Jim Leach told the Times the Iowa Democratic Party "has now become the single best organized political party in the entire country."

Back in 2000 Gore lost Iowa at the polls, but still eked out a 4,144-vote victory after absentee ballots were counted.

With every vote crucial in this contest, Democrats are clearly leaving nothing to chance.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.