I love the hypocrisy, from politicians all the way around, but I really have a good laugh at DNC in this case.

The Swift Boat Vets, who patronize a lawyer connected to the Bush campaign, are called essentially Bush headfigures and it is a blatant and unfounded attack on Kerry.

Yet CBS, and those who "revealed" these documents, admit to colluding with a Kerry campaign advisor, but it is baseless to assume that the Kerry camp had any malignant intent as far as these documents are concerned. Regardless of Kerry involvement, this shows clearly the media's level of attemtped bias. Retire, Dan, retire. Save face, while you can.

Actually, it will probably gain him popularity with Bush haters, because of his undamning and unwavering mission to upheave Bush. :rolleyes:

It's just like how Kerry keeps talking about Bush saying "mission accomplished." He never said that (even the liberal NY Times says this in today's issue) but he did stand in front of a banner on the aircraft carrier that said it...I guess it's quoting by association.

Whoops! I guess it's also like voting for a war, but voting not to fund it. Pardon me if I can imagine a different form of salute for Kerry from our troops if he is elected, involving one finger only.