Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I've said all along I have no idea how this election will turn out, and surely wouldn't make any kind of bet on it even now.
TIS, I couldn't agree more, the election results might be surprising and I wouldn't count on polls that much. This is a hot election and it might be interesting for you to know that all eyes outside the US is following this election in particular because as Senza mama said the US foreign policy has been affecting so many non-US citizens lately. I remember president Bush saying in very early months of his victory something to the effect of that he has planned to Americanize the whole world and he thinks all people around the world should think of themselves as US citizens and they should do their duty based on that to the US. This sounded like a globalization in politics which later was more clarified as "You are either with us or against us". Frankly if that's part of a plan I think everyone outside the US should have a right to vote for their choice of the US president as well.
As for the result of this election I think no one can say what would happen for sure. This last election for the governor in the state of Alabama that I know of and I was following in the news when I was there was a very close race and I really didn't expect it to be like that since Alabama is known to be a strong Republican state at this moment and in the last election. Right now I see the election results critical in the state of Florida which is still in the category of toss up. A swing in Florida's electoral votes could change the fate of this election as it did back in 2000.

By the way, if you'd like to play with electoral votes and see how the results would change, here is a great web page: Electoral Vote Calculator

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones