Originally posted by The Iceman:
[quote]Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
Originally posted by beatlewho01-02:
I can hear it now. Karl Rove and his team giving high fives to each other. They won.
Actually, I think in this case, the American public won. A victory over shoddy and biased journalism which has been the status quo for generations, starting with Walter Cronkite. [/b][/quote]Just because the Hitler Diaries turned out to be fake doesn't mitigate what Hitler did. [/b][/quote]Gee comparing Bush to Hitler, I've never heard that one before. :rolleyes:

Simply put the more I hear about the screw up by CBS, the more I think the whole Kerry campaign is involved. Hell according to reports one of his advisors is already involved up to his neck.

I'm not calling the President a Hitler. I was implying that if the letter is a forgery, that doesn't prove or disprove whether Bush got preferential treatment.

Besides, I think its no big deal if Bush had gotten preferential treatment in the military. This likely occured across the political spectrum.

Ironically, you seem to think that Kerry is behind this, which is baseless. So I've only made factually true statements, while you seem to believe unproven campaign smears.

"A refusal is not the act of a friend"