Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by Senza Mama:
[b] [QUOTE]... There is a myriad of sources from which I could have got that info, the issue just popped into my head as I was on these boards.
Ahhhh...I see.
Funny though that since you're so interested in the U.S. elections you didn't have that info already, considering the "...myriad of sources...". According to your original post, you didn't even know if there were 'plans' for televised debates, let alone a schedule.

Winding my neck down...

Apple [/b][/quote]Keep unwinding. Still a long way to go Apple.

Apple, have you ever been married??

Tom: "They shot Sonny on the causeway...he's dead."
Michael: "Turnbull is a good man"
Shane MacGowan: "It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank"