Originally Posted By: Danito
Sorry Ronnie for the continuing hijacking of the thread.
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
If you didn't learn that from your Nazi forebearers
Never say something like that again, please. You don't know what my family went through.

Then you should know better. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Originally Posted By: Danito

Look, I don't feel any contempt for your country.


Originally Posted By: Danito
I do understand certain conservative positions, like the disapproval of legalizing abortions, capital punishment, etc.

But the Snowden controversy I really don't understand. Even from a conservative perspective: Why does everybody seems to be happy to let the NSA break the fourth amendment rights? "Freedom isn't free", yes, I know. But according to what we've heard so far, the NSA doesn't just restrict the 4th amendment, but acts as if it doesn't exist. (sorry if I don't use the legal terms here correctly.)
If we assume that the intentions of secret services or other governmental branches are always good, why do you need the 4th amendment at all?

That you think I'm a conservative speaks volumes because only a European Lefty would think that. My politics are clearly middle of the road. If anything, as a New York City born grandson of immigrants, I've always identified with most Democratic social policies.

And I don't know why you're saying we when it comes to the 4th amendment. If Germany had a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, you wouldn't have given the world Hitler. America's great shame is slavery, yours is Hitler and the Nazis. And if you won't back off your criticism of my country, then I'll just keep throwing that right back in your face.

But we're done here. We're both guilty of derailing Ronnie's thread, so let's give it a rest.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.