Originally posted by DonsAdvisor:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by beatlewho01-02:
[b] I can hear it now. Karl Rove and his team giving high fives to each other. They won.
Actually, I think in this case, the American public won. A victory over shoddy and biased journalism which has been the status quo for generations, starting with Walter Cronkite. [/b][/quote]Just because the Hitler Diaries turned out to be fake doesn't mitigate what Hitler did. [/b][/quote]Gee comparing Bush to Hitler, I've never heard that one before. :rolleyes:

Simply put the more I hear about the screw up by CBS, the more I think the whole Kerry campaign is involved. Hell according to reports one of his advisors is already involved up to his neck.