Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
+1 Jonnynonos!

Though Fuck a bust. I want Massino to get his first draft in to Harper Collins!

That is a great comment. I think the single most interesting thing that could possibly happen in the Chicago Outfit right now is if one of these old timers decided to let it all out. And by that I mean JD or JL, for the most part.

If one of those two spilled their guts... they could arguably put a flood light on the whole thing, more or less.

But it will never happen, I don't think.

The judge at the JL trial said "... in these instances we are judged by the worst things we do, and in your case, the worst things have been terrible." (paraphrasing)

I doubt most of these guys even admit to themselves the worst things they did.

Now I am getting into faux psychologist territory, but I remember when Nick Calabrese said, in his first conviction, "I've caused a lot of problems for a lot of people."

That's the understatement of the century. No, you did not "cause a lot of problems for a lot of people." You murdered about 15-20 people. There is a big difference.

Point being, I don't think you'd ever see a true tell-all from most of these guys, and not cause of some stupid code, but because they are, likely, on some level, both terrified and ashamed.

At least that is how I imagine most people would feel after kicking someone to death, etc.