They lost out on receiving their cut on shared big time extortion rackets, like the "concrete club" and "windows racket" that were shared by all commission members.

An interesting question is if their newly inducted members were recognized during the ban or if they were even approved by the commission, "Lefty" Ruggerio and Massino were made during the ban IRRC.

Does anybody have any firm dates on the period of the ban? All I've heard is vague dates from the time that Bonnano left (1968), until they were reinstated after Massino got to be boss (1991).

I've read in other places that they were disbarred twice, once with the Banana Wars (late 1960s) and then again when the Donnie Brasco became known (summer of '81). So according to those sources they must have been reinstated sometime between 1968 through 1981 and disbarred again in '81.

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this, hey, thats great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.-Paul Castellano (he would know)

"I'm not talking about Italians, I'm talking about criminals."-Joe Valachi