Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:

I have heard of those election rules as well. Earlier in the week, I did hear that Bush too was already on or soon going to be on Dr. Phil and a couple other shows. I think they said 3 appearances for each candidate was scheduled. I can't remember which shows though. You know they'd both want equal time. :p

are you sure they weren't just talking about the 3 scheduled debates for each Candidate?

edit: sorry didn' read appleonya's post about it. The third debate is in mid-late October and is about national security or foreign policy I'm blanking on which one. All I have to say though is that if you are using the debates to decide who to vote for then you really shouldn't have the right to vote. i.e. Kerry's I'll cut taxes yet he voted over 352 times (pretty much the only thing he has to show for his 19 year senate career) to RAISE taxes...

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"