Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [QUOTE]...people see what they want to see and don't see what they don't want to see. Hence why you hear all of these people saying the media doesn't give Kerry enough airtime...if Kerry got anymore airtime on these tv shows they would have to name the show after him...
Speaking of which...Kerry made a guest appearance on Dave Letterman a few nights ago; even read a gag Top 10 list depicting Bush's tax plan.

So according to election 'rules' ... would President Bush not be entitled to 'equal time'???

Apple [/b][/quote]IF KErry was all for Equal time he wouldn't have had his wife/children campaigning during the Republican national Convention (an unwritten rule)

BUT I did like what Kerry said on Regis and Kelly. they showed a clip of the movie jackass and then Regis told Kerry he should go on the show. He said I have no need to go on the show, its like jackass at everyone of my campaign stops. So I take it he's calling his supporters jackasses there?!?! I don't know but he's about as funny as a hole in the head.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"