Until you can start speaking in specifics, I am going to take it as an admission you got nothin'.

Who *didn't* run against Rahm? Probably a lot of people, knowing they would get slaughtered, as he was singlehandedly responsible when he was about 30 years old for building the biggest political war chest for Bill Clinton in the history of the country, he has a personal net worth of approximately $15 million, he is best friends with Obama (not Irish, by the way--that would be O'Bama) and he has an IQ about twice that of most career politicians.

Yes I am from Chicago I am just not from the class that sits around at bars crying in their beer talking about conspiracy theories.

Irish are like Jews; people may think they 'stick together' whereas in reality most of the time they can't stand each other.

Go take a look at the list of Alderman and tell me what percentage are Irish.

This isn't 1922.