I have to play Devil's Advocate here. I don't think anyone would be THAT stupid, as to fake something like this so quickly after the acquittal. Even the sleaziest New York public relations firm would have the common sense to wait a few months.

It's over. Blame the prosecution if you want. Had they charged him with manslaughter right off the bat they might have gotten a conviction. But adding it at the 11th hour just didn't seem fair, and the jury knew it. They fucked up and charged him with murder. End of story.

Oh, and as an aside, I just love how some sectarian liberals are applauding the juror's remark about God catching up to Zimmerman. These are the very same people who go batshit at the very thought of God being mentioned in public schools. But when a poor minority is killed, they get to invoke a deity. Hypocrisy, much? rolleyes.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.