Originally Posted By: Tony_Pro
I was just reading up a little bit about John Franzese, (Michael's father). The guy seems to have a sterling record as a mobster, but I have to keep asking is why he is still listed as the Columbo UB. He's 96-years-old and in Prison (until he'll be 100), I doubt the guy has much of a role anymore.

Why hasn't he been shelved if he hasn't already?

Also, he's listed as a producer in Danny Provenzano's movie This Thing of Ours. Everything I've heard about Danny is that he's a wannabe who claims made status to promote his horrible movies. John's backing of a very public wannabe's mafia-themed film should be a black-mark, if not a violation omerta and should be a double-black mark considering his son's bad-mouthing of former associates.

Can anyone speak to this?

Probably out of respect as much as anything. Also, it's easy for the family to have a guy be the acting underboss on the outside while Franzese retains the official position until he dies.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.