CBS Unsure of Document Source
Kerry Advisor Spoke to Burkett

Fellow conservatives -

if you supported the Swift Boat Vets when they released their report, but were angered when the Kerry campaign accused Bush officials of aiding them, fear not.

It's a vicious cycle.

Big-time lib Dan Rather finally opens his mouth too wide and tried to bash Bush with unfounded documents. And to top it off, a Kerry advisor is involved.

I guess this is just another typical Republican attack on the DNC's agenda. BTW, if you caught today's issue of the USA Today, they outline Kerry's proposals to be better than Bush in Iraq. "Train security forces in Iraq better." "Make sure the elections go on as planned." Duh...oops. I forgot. It must be nice to be so intellgent to come up with these ideas all on your own John, or are you just forgetting how you're planning on explaining how you can magically do it better than Bush?

Best of all - increasing foreign involvement in Iraq. I wonder how he\'ll do that...