Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
It is a perplexing question. I don't really see how they exist without the threat of violence, either.

But that leads me more to the opinion that they probably don't exist to the point people still think they do.

Although I guess you could look at it from this point of view: Their reputation would probably be sufficient to keep the majority of people in line.

But, yeah, it is an interesting question: Why would someone who decides their gonna be a bookie in Chicago land kick up without the threat of violence?

TOTALLY agree with the perception that they don't exist to the level that most think they do..When people think of "Cicero" they still think of Capone or Aiuppa or people getting shotgunned in the street. No, it's not like that anymore. They no longer have the power to operate with impunity as they did up until the late 80's. Today's Outfit capitalizes on its past reputation to a huge extent but they still have muscle when need be even though they are a castrated version of what they once were. I remember in Sarno's trial, a blowhard from Berwyn named Vinny Dublino testified he called Sarno fatass to his face and threw some of Sarno's thugs out of his bar on 16th Street. LOL I HIGHLY DOUBT Dublino said ANY OF THAT to Sarno personally but if this were 1985 he'd have been a marked man from the moment he got off the witness stand. Such an act though would have brought down alot of heat though as Dublino was a Federal Witness. High risk, NO reward. When it comes down to killing someone over money there IS a reward they are just much more selective about it I guess.