Huron, Can I ask you a question now that we've moved past 'The Patch' Debate which was a term used obviously in both areas by people living there:
Why are you on a mission to promote The Grand Ave Crew?

What rackets are you talking about being run in the Grand Ave area besides a big poker game that happens independently. Why is it so important to you to continually try and promote something that really doesn't exist there anymore?

A few Grand Ave guys hanging out is not a full functioning Street Crew like years ago.

I Believe Skinny, the New York Poster asked this same question.

Also, why would you be afraid to name a couple of names. That's ALL WE EVER DO on these Blogs and it doesn't mean anything. Do you think by mentioning someone's name that the F.B.I. is going to hall the guy in and prosecute him because you mentioned his name on a Blog? LOL.

What young men are you talking about?
Are you saying there are a bunch of young men who are made guys in the Grand Ave Crew that are sons of other people?

Last edited by Chicago; 07/28/13 04:39 AM.