Same with me as Dellacroce I didn't sign up on this board to promote personal demons but since it seems that no one is to judge right now 2 years ago me and 4 other guys were arrested all on marijuana trafficking charges, a 6th person rolled a month earlier and pretty much gave us all up, i made bail the same day so I was only inside for four hours, anyways me and the guys were still looking at 5-15 years. I never thought about talking because I knew the case was crap, and I know that everyone involved got called at least once to the D.A.'S office for them to offer a deal, and suprisingly no one accepted the deal (one guy even had a kid on the way). Anyways the witness was arrested about 6 months later for possession of 100 oxy codone and ended up going to rehab, so with a witness like that the case fell apart and I plead to 3rd degree possession and the only jail time given was the kid that already had a record and got 9 months. I didn't cooperate because I had a lot worse happen to me in my life and was able to take that on the chin, so doing time didn't really scare me because I felt I had already experienced as bad as life gets, and you gotta remember people like Gotti, Salerno, Persico, etc. grew up with nothin. Life was kicking them in the ass from the begining and they managed to make it, so a life sentence wasn't something they saw as impossible to do, once again only an opinion not trying to sound like in the authority.