Originally Posted By: Lilange
Originally Posted By: Chicago
What rule did he personally break to warrant Castellano to want to kill him? How can you call the guy a rat when he went to prison and never informed on anyone? How is that a rat?

Your funny. You wouldn't put yourself in that position.
Angelo quak quak put him in that position. Sure, it's easy for you to say sitting behind a typewriter somewhere. LOL.

You don't like guys who rat, you don't like guys who go to jail and don't rat, you don't like a guy who defended himself from being killed? Who do you like?

Again, what rule did Gotti himself break? He didn't even know that one or two of his guys were selling dope until it was too late.

Gotti got caught in the middle between his Boss and Angelo quak quak who they had on tape. Gotti was between a rock and a hard spot. Listen, you can say whatever you want about the Guy, but for God's sake, don't call him a rat. Call him something else. Sammy Gravano was a rat, not Gotti. You're using the wrong word. LOL.

He had guys in his crew dealing drugs now wasn't half the other crews in the family dealing. Sure and did Paul know about some if not all I'm sure he did to a certain extent. But let's make no mistake gotti knew who in his crew was dealing. But he's no rat. And it wasn't one or two of his guys and they weren't moving a little heroin it was tons. But I agree he's no rat.

Patsy Conte and the Cherry hill Gambinos were big into heroin trafficking. I'm sure there were other crews doing it too. Castellano was taking hundreds of thousands each year from the drug deals of his underlings and he knew exactly what Conte and the Gambino brothers were doing. Gotti never personally dealt drugs, but his brother Gene and the Ruggiero brothers were heavy into it along with other members of his crew.

As far as the rule about not killing or attempting to kill bosses, what happened to Anastasia, Mangano, and Costello? Does that make Vito Genovese, Chin Gigante, Albert Anastasia, and Carlo Gambino rat cowards who are the antithesis of LCN? Guys like Accardo and Ricca were behind the killings of women.

Gotti had a huge ego as do all bosses. You don't become a boss by being weak and unsure of yourself. In the end, he took his medicine and died in prison. That's LCN.