It has the potential, but it is HARD even for us Southerners to pick up the Creole coon ass accent that they have in Louisiana. I know Marcello was not born there but he had that accent and you really have to be around them a lot to understand it. I used to work in Bossier City every year and picked up on it, and some of my best friends were "deep south" Cajuns that were still hard to understand at times.

I'll probably watch this, but will probably pick it apart due to the accents being wrong. I think DeNiro can nail the look as Marcello was not always as big as he was during his prime. He only got fat after he became big time.

Marcello's family is another one of my favorites too, many people think because he was in the South he didn't wield power but he was feared by many and even those up North knew not to play around with Marcello. When he told the "Yanks" that if they came into his territory he better be warned beforehand you better believe it was. He was the Iron Fist in the South.