Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: Chicago
I just read it. It said 78% including Hispanics.

But you know what, for arguements sake, You can say the Whites out number the Blacks 5 to 1.
Whites DO NOT USE drugs 5 to 1 over Blacks.
Nitti made up that statistic.
Tell him to PROVE it. He cannot.

it's more teenage heroin addicts in white neighborhoods than black

not too mention all the drugs that get used in meth country

meths a major problem, anyone see the post i put up yesterday about all the meth labs in places like tenesee and kentucky, its pretty sad because of all the kids that get caught in the middle getting hurt and killed. http://www.gangsterbb.net/threads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=729194#Post729194

Heroin abuse in the suburbs has surpassed that of inner cities in many places.
heroin use amongst suburban teens skyrockets