Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
It's the people who SELL who get sent to prison as they should. Drugs ruin areas like Detroit and Camden. Frank, don't race hustle it's part of the problem not the solution. Don't blame others for the issues black communities have.
I think it's pretty debatable to assume users should get less time than dealers. And do you really think a white dealer will serve as much time as a black dealer? Or that a black homeless guy won't get picked up by the cops quicker than a white one? It's a fact that blacks are more likely to receive incarceration for the same crimes committed by whites.

But why the hell do you think that is? Because they are more likely to COMMIT A CRIME. No one should profile, but that is the stereotype the black community has given themselves. It's not an excuse, so no one should get their panties in a bunch about bias in the system since there's not enough of it to affect outcomes completely. Fact is, blacks commit most of the crime in this country and that needs to change

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