Tommy Gambino, I'm 106 years old. You can believe that Sam DeStefano was not made if that makes you happy and I'll believe the Beatles were from Germany. Who cares? It doesn't matter to me at all.

The point, which you missed, is that DeStefano told Roemer he wasn't made AS A JOKE, just like Lennon was joking he was from Germany.
Besides, all made guys in Chicago ALWAYS say they are not made, joking or not joking. Why would they say they were made? What would they gain from it except a stiffer jail sentence? Lombardo said he was not made in A NEWSPAPER AD HE PLACED.

My father KNEW Sammy DeStefano. They were both with Ricca and Giancana direct.

Believe whatever you want to make yourself happy. I was only joking with you to make a point. No problem from me at all.

Last edited by Chicago; 07/24/13 07:39 PM.