Cook County, You're the only one upset. Why would anybody else be upset? The trial's over and the guy was acquitted and that's it. There's nothing more to talk about. It's all over but the shouting by you and some other people.

Why aren't you upset about all the THOUSANDS of poor innocent Black people who are killed every year by other Blacks over what color bandana they're wearing or because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why are you not upset over it? Don't you care? Why aren't you complaining about it?

Why are you ONLY upset and mad and arguing with about 7 different people on these threads about ONE GUY getting killed by someone trying to defend himself?

Even if you don't believe Zimmerman was trying to defend himself, why are you not upset about the thousands of Black people who are killed every year by other Black people for no fucking reason??

When you come up with the answer to that very logical question, please let everyone know. Until then, what ever you say is racial bullshit which means nothing.

Last edited by Chicago; 07/24/13 08:07 AM.