In general, do you know who the actual underbosses were? Several older inside sources say that Giancana was Accardo's underboss for a few years before Accardo retired and Giancana replaced him. The FBI has Ferraro then Battaglia as Mooney's underbosses, but you, Fosco and others say that he had no underboss. Later, when Aiuppa was the boss it is usually reported that Cerone was his underboss. There are a lot of gaps to fill.

Then the FBI says that the consiglieri are actually the top bosses, the CEOs, like Ricca, who was in this position until he died in 1972. But a real consigliere is a position elected by the members to represent their interests and who they go to in case of a problem if they can't solve it with their capo. The consigliere is often the one does the ceremonies, although in Chicago there was no ceremony while Ricca was alive. So I consider Ricca more like a chairman and I have to wonder if Chicago ever had a real consigliere.