id like to kille the lying fuckin retard reporter that coined that term. "white collar rackets". How many laborers do you know that consider themselves white collar???? Are you fucking kidding me? How is labor unions white collar crime? Its like the fucking bullshit some reporter dreamed up about how "sources inside the family say the rank and file captains have complained over the demand of a 10% take on crew money to 15%".... And you guys bought it... 90% of america buys it, they buy that Franky Cali was made boss, then turns it down saying "no im happy at underboss where im off the radar"... WTF! For real? If i publish a book that says i fucked kate middleton does that make it the truth???? I cant stand fucking reporters. Journalists are right there with cops and probation officers in my book. Paul took 75% from any deals that happened with 282... Guess what john gotti took? 75%!!! Some detective ad libs at a fucking press conference and says genovese mobsters drive buicks instead of cadillacs and IVy goes around quoting it 40 fucking times like hes the bees knees, thinking wow isnt that cool! I know a westside guy who drives a fucking bright yellow 360 modena! hows that for a buick? Some cocksucking cop calls the genovese family the worst dressed and you guys automatically take it to heart. Quoting a bunch of reporter bullshit gossip about how barney showed up to a funeral in a sweatshirt. IF A LIE GETS PASSED AROUND ENOUGH IT BECOMES FACT. PPL say how the westside has this super invisible administration structure.... bla bla bla bullshit. If i can tell you the top guy on the street so can any made guy in the family. They ask for less money in tribute from their captains??? BULLSHIT. They are just as greedy as the next family. u guys think every fucking genovese guy walks on water... the truth is they have a good track record and good leadership... Guys on here that think that the genovese family is above making dope heads and bums, you dont knows the street. Sorry, not claiming i do, but you guys need to face reality here.