Originally Posted By: Philip_Lombardo
I'm wondering how Castellano's faction controlled the Unions and still had their soldiers with the traditional structure, did the Capo's have a Union chair with the soldiers being union delegates? or was it just extortion of the Union sites, i know there were others such as forgery, money laundering and ponzi schemes but the Unions were the big picture

When people mention "white collar," in terms of Castellano controlling the "white collar faction" of the family or wanting the family to move towards more "white collar" endeavors, they're talking about labor union racketeering and business racketeering in the legitimate industries the family was involved in - the waterfront, construction, garbage, the garment center, meat wholesaling, trucking, etc. Like the other families, many Gambino members and associates held positions in these unions and/or companies; not just to facilitate mob control but also for having a legitimate source of income.

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