And, why were people able to get fake equity? Your not contradicting anything I said. If you want to get into a nuanced debate I am more than capable of doing so, but I figured for the purpose of this thread you were merely looking for surface level discussions.
Moreover, you seemed to be adept to make arguments that dont contradict me and just seem to argue for the sake of arguing. I can do the same.

Heres one:
The best way to have a strong economy is free market economics. Keynsian economics that is employed in coutnries like Greece, Britain and France have done wonders. Socialism destroys not only the economy, but the motivation of the individual. Governments limited purpose should be to facilitate the individual in their attempts to be great, not disincentivizing it by making it impossible to make a move without having to fill out 100 forms and comply with nonsensical regulation.
Government has its place, but it should be limited. See Detroit et al.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.