Infrastructure to attract workers?
Are you kidding?

Texas, Tennesse and florida attract plenty of workers to the state and they put their kids in private schools. Your opinion is as I said before, based on your living in New York City. A place where you can tax people to kingdom come and they will still live there. It doesn't apply to places that need to incentivize business.
And there is another end to the spectrum of what your talking about.
The fact is, if you look at places like detroit, chicago and california, it hasnt been the friendly business environment and low taxes that have brought about the destruction of their economies.

I dont work as a greeter, I work in the private sector. Unlike you, as you worked in government, so of course you believe the government needs to have a greater hand.

I would never work in Government, I don't want to be apart of a wastful inefficient beuracracy.

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 07/22/13 10:30 PM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.