If you believe Russo's book, and it's pretty well sourced, it's hard to believe that any other family was as powerful as Chicao at its peak. We've had this discussion on here before. They dominated the city with corruption; you are talking about dozens upon dozens if not hundres of corrupt cops, there was at least one Alderman who was a made member of the Outfit and far more than that who were their patsies, there were countless politicians in their pocket. They controlled an absurd number of unions and their tentacles stretched to arguably dominate Vegas, Hollywood, the jukebox industry as well as, as pointed out above, a fair amount of international ventures in other countries.

It's also hard not to believe that they were at some level involved in the election of Kennedy and collaborated wth the CIA on things like the Bay of Pigs and asassination attempts on Castro.

This is not even mentioning the army of, what, thousands or tens of thousands under Capone? (It was probably a numberically superior but not as viciously subervsive a mob.)

It's not really bragging rights; Chicago's corruption is somewhat embarrassing. But it makes sense that it was easier than in other places, as it was pretty much a Wild West town in the early part of the 20th century.

This is almost like a P4P boxing debate; you'll never get a srtraight answer but in terms of scope of power I'm yet to hear a convincing argument that any organization rivaled the Outfit under Ricca/Arcaddo/Giancana/Humphries.

Obviously when it comes to today, I am probably one of those posters who would peg it as being borderline defunct.

Last edited by jonnynonos; 07/21/13 10:57 PM.