Look we all know that you cannot generalize black people into criminals and thugs because that's wrong. But when 25% of the population is committing 80% of the crime, that IS a problem. It's a problem when some punk gets killed by another punk, but because the punk that lived is half white we cry bloody murder. Not to mention NBC put their usual liberal slander on it and now are being sued. But I think around 500 people were killed in Chicago last year in gang wars. Where are the banners and protests for those people? Black people in this country can complain all they want (not all of them are but you get the picture) but they need to address issues in their own community first. And these are issues NOT caused by the white man. Since when are no fathers, drug arrests, assaults, sagging pants, gun violence, and improper English the big bad white mans fault? And I know for a fact Bill Cosby agrees with me on this look it up

And again, I know not all blacks are like this. I have black friends, people i respect are black, my ups man was the absolute nicest man you could meet. But the problems faced in their communities today must be dealt with. And they have no one but themselves to blame

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone