Originally Posted By: mulberry
The FBI report says there were 70 made guys in Chicago in the late 1990's. Does anyone have a list of those guys? Then we can work backwards and mark off the guys who have died or are doing life. From there, add any guys who are known to have been made since then. There's your magic number.

That 70 member figure in the late 1990's was just a general estimate from the Chicago Crime Commission.

Originally Posted By: Chicago
Today's Outfit has no more than 30 made guys and maybe 100 to 120 full time soldier/associates. We've already gone through this many times. The Feds in 2007 said 28. Figure a couple guys died since then and Cicero made a few and you're at 30 maximum.

The Outfit during Auippa/Cerone era was double the size.

Yup. And that 25-30 member figure given in recent years, by a few different FBI officials in Chicago, was total. Not just active on the street.

Is it possible that some members are flying under the radar? Perhaps. But certainly not a significant number in this day and age. Certainly not enough to warrant people making up their own figures...40, 50, etc.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.