Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: Tommy2Times
Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: Tommy2Times
Do you guys think Vito will get any support from the commission?

Commission? What Commission.

Canada doesnt give a f**k about NY. Montreal has serious links to South America and the homeland.

NY has no commission and no say. Sal Montagna, acting, was clipped. That's how much respect Vito has for NY. What are/have/can they do about it? Nothing.

NY's got as much influence in Montreal as it has a commission.

The Commission today

The Commission is still reported to exist today, though its current membership is composed of only the bosses of the Five Families and the Chicago Outfit. Its activities, like much of the Mafia in general, have receded from public view as a matter of necessity. Because of law enforcement scrutiny, the five New York City bosses have not met since Paul Castellano was killed in 1985.[2] However, while the Commission no longer meets in person, they still must approve major actions. Mini meetings between two (or more) bosses still take place.[2] In 2000, representatives of the Five Families (three bosses, one consigliere and a member of the Genovese ruling panel) did meet.[2] Instead of a meeting of bosses, underlings such as underbosses or captains meet secretly to discuss the business and govern. Does this help answer your comments smart guy?

Chicago is part of the 'current commission'? Mate you're off your head.

You're confusing a 'commission' with a 'sit-down' which is used to resolve inter family disputes.

There hasn't been anything resembling a commission for over a decade.
Let alone Chicago participating.
Give me a break.

Chicago hasn't been part of the Commission for decades. As for New York, it depends on how you define the Commission. Even by the loosest standards, the last known meeting was in 2000.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.