Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

By the way on a personal note...I frequently served breakfast to Mr. Cromwell when I worked at a tiny luncheonette in Brooklyn Heights, NY during the 1980s. Very nice man; consistently ordered a small fresh-squeezed orange juice.

Is that so?

Cromwell was great as a Cardinal on ER who had lupus. It was a really great role. One musn't forget him in "Scent Of A Woman" either. He was great in that also.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia