Wasn't it Louis Cirillo who lost Eboli's money? I see Cirillo was charged in a case involving 83 kilo's of heroin that were never recovered so i assume that wasn't the deal involving Eboli. But then he was charged in another case where 103 kilo's of heroin were seized in france. Was this the deal where Eboli's money was involved and the deal which cost him all the money he borrowed from Gambino and other top mobsters?

They were paying $10,500 per kilo so if my math is correct they lost a little over 1 million on that deal. I read they found a million in cash buried in Cirillo's backyard in the Bronx after he was convicted. Not sure though if that was part of Eboli's money or not. It might of been profit Cirillo made from previous deals but i'm really not sure.