Originally Posted By: paprincess
In my opinion Zimmerman did not need to confront the kid as the kid was NOT in the act of breaking into HIS home. IF Zimmerman caught the guy in his home I feel he had every right to shoot him in the balls or in the ass if he started to run away. (that is assuming he had a legally registered gun and completed all the necessary courses.) the fact the Martin kid had marijuana in his system doesn't necessarily sit right with me as it sounds like his parents needed to spend more time communicating/disciplining their child. As far as Obama's statement on it could have been me 38 years ago... is he admitting to cutting class and smoking weed at 17 years old? or is he just trying to get more of the black community and women's votes by playing the sympathy card??

Remember, Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain, so he was doing his job for making sure that Trayvon wasn't breaking into anyone's home.


"Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger."
Don Lucchesi