Honestly if these sites or Fox News did in fact get this info from some source they claim they have, I would be willing to bet its nothing more than disinformation. The Gambinos have become much more secretive and smarter now that the Gotti era is well over and Cefalu has returned the family to the Sicilian way of running a family. I for one actually believe that Cali has become the Boss, and they're just saying he turned it down to throw the Feds off. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Cefalu will remain quietly behind the scenes still pulling a majority of the strings. He's a very mysterious man and always has been. Other than his heroin offenses and drug trafficking wrap I see him as a very smart and calculated person. I would say that anything that comes out as news from these media outlets supposed "source" is in fact The Gambinos throwing out disinformation.