So, let's see. Who am I going to believe? Cook County, an Outfit Fanboy or the F.B.I. who had John DiFronzo so scared that he quit years ago? Boy, that's a difficult decision.
I think I'll go with the F.B.I. who estimated 28 made guys and the Outfit being divided into two sections, the North and the South. From inside information, personal observation and the F.B.I., I would agree with that assessment.

Cook County, you don't know anything about Giancana or Taylor St. Absolutely nothing. My Father was Chuckie English. You don't have a fucking clue as to how Giancana or any of his men came up in the Outfit.
You're also a 'Hothead' as proven by your comments during the Zimmerman trial.

You also know nothing about the Outfit in 2013. All you are talking about are theories based on the past. I'll be honest with you, not only are you annoying, but you're insulting on top of it and you do it on purpose for attention.