Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
How the hell did you end up with two gay brothers (considering homosexuals are like 3% percent of population)? Did your dad have a questionable sexuality, considering its probably genetic in origin? Or are there just like 40 kids?

It's a little confusing. One is technically a former step-brother. But I grew up with him and still consider him my brother. He lives in Denmark now. He was born to my mom's second husband and his first wife. The other had the same father as the first one and the same mom as me. So, technically he's a half brother, but I look at him like a full brother. He lives here in Utah. Obviously the common denominator is them having the same dad but he's never had questionable sexuality. In fact, his womanizing was one reason my mom divorced him. So go figure. And, for the record, I have 1 full brother, 1 ex-step brother, 2 half brothers, and 1 adopted sister. Like I said, it's confusing.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.