Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Zimmerman acted recklessly and irresponsibly. Florida permitted him to own and carry a gun. But it did not give him a license to be a vigilante, or law enforcement training and the judgment that goes with it. Had he abided by the HOA's rule not to be armed while on patrol, and stayed in his car as the police dispatcher advised, Martin would be alive, Zimmerman would not have been charged, and America would have been spared more racial strife.

When I earned my CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) permit, the instructor time and again emphasized responsibilities over rights, and when not to shoot over when to shoot. He said that 85% of shooting situations were morally and legally ambiguous, notwithstanding Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine. All of the responsible gun owners I know condemn Zimmerman.

Your opinion is just that yours. and like most around town it doesn't hit the mark as they say when you read it over.

Even the Judge would not let the words Vigilante be used in statements. Having a gun and carrying a gun had nothing to do with anything as you should know as a ccw permit owner. I said this many times in the past. Zimmerman did not have his gun out and no matter how many think that's way, he was not out there gun in hand hunting down Martin! It never came out until the altercation.
Twisting his move to enter the field of Law enforcement against him to sound like he was playing rent a cop is absurd. Zimmerman did noting but observe Martin because he felt that he was out of place in HIS gated tract. He never approached him, yelled at him or spoke to him in stopping Martin in any way.
Why don't people understand that?

Martin could have just kept on going and nothing would have happen that night! Just so, many people want to blame Zimmerman for not listen to dispatch. Not a crime but it maybe it would have had things pass with out a conflict some would say. So who started the attack? Come on we all know it was Martin so why come up with so much hype to push it toward Zimerman?

So my friend, please tell me what Zimmerman did wrong that we all have learned in taking our CCW classes? His pistol never came out until he felt his life was in danger.....so what the beef with all your friends? All of the responsible gun owners I know condemn Zimmerman.? Why.
Even police didn't just grab him up, you know why BECAUSE it was an OK shooting by the laws standards!

Hell man, no one wants to say it was good to have someone lose their life. It is a sad day when ever that happens.

Lets turn things around. What would you have done if you were attacked and was carrying>... Should everyone have waited until he was stabbed before reacting? When a person comes up to you and say You are going to die tonight...what is going on in your head?

and why would you have a ccw and be carrying if you would not use it to protect your life in such an attack?

ONLY gun owners have the POWER to PROTECT and PRESERVE our FREEDOM.
"...it is their (the people's) right and duty to be at all times armed" - Thomas Jefferson, June 5, 1824

Everyone should read. "HOW TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD"

CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!