Originally Posted By: Chicago
Frank The German belonged to Grand Ave. He was born and raised around that area. He was Lombardo's boy.

As Far as the very talented non Italian Guys in the past who had strong political connections, they basically died out and vanished from attrition. Alex, Pierce, Kruse, etc.

Aleman may actually have been made. His Uncle was Ferriola. If he wasn't, it didn't matter because he behaved exactly like a Made guy and they even paid his family money when he was gone and they paid money to get him out of Jail. Sounds Made to me.

Ferriola may have pushed him through. All he had to do was have Auippa agree, which is probably what happened. After all, Marcello was technically half Italian and he was made by Auippa into the Cicero crew with Carlisi as his sponsor.

Believe me, They knew Marcello's Mom was Irish. Nobody fucking cared.

Yep they paid judge Wilson the whopping sum of $10,000. LOL. When Cooley delivered it to him in the bathroom he said "That's all I'm getting?" Cooley felt bad for him and tried to get him more, as he'd thrown his entire career away letting Aleman walk (the papers knew it was an obvious fix) but Pat Marcy wouldn't budge, so Judge Wilson only got the $10K.

As GAMBAT unfolded and he realized he was going to be caught he killed himself.

No idea why he agreed to do it for $10K in the first place.