Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
Who here refuted any of that? Who said they were the same Outfit of the 60s/70s? You're grasping for straws. All I said was that they shifted their operations from the city limits to the surrounding suburbs, which is not untrue.

Forget the 60's and 70's. The Outfit isn't the same as the 90's either. Anyway, you were trying to come from the position that Chicago is somehow different from the other families, when they're really not. At least not in the big scheme of things. And them operating more in the suburbs today is old news.

Regarding sarno, again, no one ever thought he was the boss of anything. Ever. No one ever thought this lol.

You keep saying "no one." First, since when did you speak for everybody? Second, as I've already told you, the FBI considered Sarno to be the acting boss. Third, what puts you or anyone else here, in a position to dispute that? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you and others here simply read a few articles on him, saw his old mugshot with the long hair, weren't impressed, and just assumed he wasn't boss material so you claim he never was.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.