Skinny, the way it used to run in Chicago was like this:

1) There was an Office in a particular area.
2) The Office was supervised by usually one, sometimes two made guys in charge of the Franchise. They would be partnered with a Boss/Capo.
3) In the Office would be Soldier/Associates who belonged to the Crew and took the action over the phone.
4) The Bettors would call in using code names to be associated with the Street Agents/Associates who were 25% Partners with the Crew. The Players would have a set Credit Limit predetermined. The Street Agents would be informed of their players outcome daily by calling in if so desired. A weekly summary would be provided at the end of the week.
5) The Agents would be responsible to pay off and collect from their Players each week. The Soldier/Associates would meet with the Street Agents once a week.
6) If there was a problem, someone from the CREW would step in and make the player see the error in his ways for not paying his Street Agent. Sometimes the Street Agent would be forced to sell the debt to the Loan Sharking Franchise Boss.
7) There was always another made guy running a Loan Sharking Franchise who would be involved with the Bookmaking Franchise.
8) This guy would also have a crew of soldier/associates who worked under him full time as collectors.
9) The Bookmaking Franchise would lay off bets to the main Office,IF THEY WANTED TO, so their action would be as even as possible.
However, the action was rarely even on both sides, so if it was not more than 10 or 20% difference, they usually didn't lay off. Laying off is not all good and not all bad. It just depends.
10) The Main Office was with the Dominent Crew that had the Top Boss of the Outfit.

Note: the Franchise also had some big bettors who bet direct without a street agent.

What else do you want to know about it? LOL.

Last edited by Chicago; 07/17/13 05:35 AM.