Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
"Fifth rate hubcap thieves" "never been a fan"

I didn't think trolls were allowed to post on thus board.

Fosco, is That you??

Relax Riccobene's.

You are free to stare longingly at your 8 x 10s of Solly D in his nylon union jacket and $8 haircut and writes sonnets to his masculanity if you want.

My point is, I am only really interested in the people who are genuinely connected to what the Outfit once was because, unilke you, I think it is basically a joke these days.

Ricobenes the restaurant? I don't get it....

Jimmy I is like 6 years younger than Johnny. What's your point? He's been more active than Johnny & ran with a tougher, more lucrative crew during the heydey. The infelice crew was pulling in $25 million cash a year off their rigged casinos & bookmaking interests alone, and That was in 1993. Jimmy I & solly d ran that crew. Once again, your point? You're just mentioning names that have been glorified in the papers & on television.
Inendino is roughly 15 years younger than DiFronzo-not just 6 years. Yes the Southside brass may not have any bad blood NOW, but don't you feel it's quite possible that when Johnny dies that they will try to arm his family for pieces of all those legit businesses and the profits from the offshore casinos??? GREED is what rules in that world-nothing else. Ricca's son got ripped off and Angelo LaPietra's house was about to be burglarized do you REALLY feel that the ill-gotten gains of John Difronzo will be safe????