Originally Posted By: stern49
It is too big for our leaders to ignore. Even though the jury found him not guilty it is not over. The family of the 17 year old will file a civil suit against him and they will find him guilty in civil court. NAACP is also talking to the FBI about Civil Rights charges against the coward.

The feds will never win a civil rights case against him. The incident took place in a gated community on PRIVATE property. For a civil rights violation to have occurred, it would have had to have happened on PUBLIC property. Check the statute and you'll see what I mean.

As far as the family suing him, I doubt the guy has any assets. How many wannabe security guards do you know who have any money?

And Florida is the BEST possible place to be to protect your assets. It's next to impossible to lose your home in a lawsuit. Why do you think OJ Simpson moved to Florida after he lost in court to the Goldmans?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.