Whether or not the Sons are "warm-hearted" does not change the fact that they nitpick all things pop culture until they discover anything even remotely offensive to Italians. If they pride themselves on exposing cartoon sharks as being stereotypical, that's fine with me. Whatever puts wind in your sails. But you have to admit, it's a little juvenile. Now, I'm not knocking they're involvment in furthering Italian culture. In fact, I'm all for it. But in comparison to other projects they could be looking into, don't you think cartoons are a little low on the totem pole? By the way, while we're on the topic, how does the music I listen to affect my views? Just because I found a quote entertaining doesn't mean I worship the man or agree with everything he says. Between that, and you accusing me of attempting to solidify my comments with my racial background, you just may get your wish in joining the Sons...

Gangsters don't die, They get chubby and move to Miami.
- Jadakiss