There's another story, TooDoped, portrayed in the BBC Documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" which is FASCINATING. In it basically there are the usual Mafia suspects in New Orleans and Tampa but it states that The Outfit here in Chicago brought in Corsican Heroin smugglers to do the hit on JFK. The reasoning is 1. it was Dallas 1963 so the shooters had to be white, 2. They couldn't be Italians as it would be traced back to the Mafia and there would have been such an outcry against them by the American people in light of RFK's efforts against the Mafia, and 3. they were Corsicans as the Corsicans have a code of Omerta and silence in that if anyone was caught it was trusted they would not talk. Whether you believe it or not, it is one hell of an interesting documentary. I think at that time Roselli and Nicoletti were too close to Giancana and too valuable to him to be involved as shooters. If either would have been caught it would have been the end for The Outfit as the Government probably would have used the military to crush them.