Originally Posted By: Skinny
The name enterprise corruption is misleading. Its just ny's version of RICO. It has nothing to do with union enterprises. its the ny little rico law.

Yeah, it's because it's a state charge. RICO is federal.

Originally Posted By: Skinny
Ivy i dont care what fucking source book u got that from its complete FUCKING BULLSHIT. NEVER HAPPENED.

Even if that never happened, if you look at that common mugshot of Barney, he's not exactly wearing a Gotti-like Brioni suit.

Originally Posted By: cheech
who gives a shit what they were wearing...you guys dont wear sweatpants and a tshirt? its not like these guys get up and go to work...a suit? who the fuck wears a suit everyday besides professionals? you guys seen to many movies

ever see an old photo of a ball game? look in the crowd, ever notice what they are wearing? yeah, not jerseys and backwards hats

has nothing to do with hip hop or wanting to be black, its just how it is today

Well said. I think nearly the entire vision of the mob A LOT of guys on these forums has is of mobsters wearing pinstriped suits and fedoras in the 50's, Gotti parading around in his suits, or what they've seen in the movies. Their image of the mob is either outdated or largely fictionalized. So, when they see the real modern day thing, they get all bent out of shape and yell, "Wait! This isn't how it's supposed to be!"

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.