Originally Posted By: Chicago
The Big Fella, Giancana had no choice. He had to leave Chicago or go to prison. It was a consensus opinion of Ricca, Giancana and Accardo. It was agreed that Giancana would expand the Outfit's interests abroad.
Big decisions in Chicago were made by a meeting of the minds of the Top men. It was not a Dictatorship.
The sooner you forget the Dictatorship concept, the sooner you will understand the Outfit's Leadership.
Stop making it a competition between these three men, that's where you failing to see the point. No one of these men ordered each other around. Get that out of your head.

Hey Chicago i know your the most informative guy on the Outfit around here and thanks for that,but i gotta ask this question cuz i dont belive it but ive read it somewhere a while ago,that there was some kind of an internal war,like there was a meeting between Giancana ,Accardo and i dont remember who else and that some1 took a shot at Accardo(or maybe the shot was ment for all of them) and a another rumour that Giancana(or some1 else from his crew)took a warning shot at Accardo,by comming to his home,ringed on the bell and after hearing footsteps,fired a few shots at the door.After that Accardo had the "retirement".I bet its pure fantasy right?

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good